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If you undergo extraction, you might be concerned about the length of time you’ll have to spend with a missing tooth before dental implant can be place. While some cases of tooth extraction require a healing period or another dental procedure before implants can be place, some patients can undergo immediate implant placement with no complications.
Depending on each case, the most ideal time for implant placement after teeth removal will vary as followed:
Immediate implant placement after teeth removal: is very limited in application and must follow strict requirements including sufficient amount of bone to support the implant, gums are healthy and not infected.
Implant placement 1-2 months after teeth removal: is applied when teeth is infected which requires bone grafting or the patient has thin layers of gum tissues.
Implant placement 3-4 months after teeth removal: is applied when there is severe infection causing major bone deterioration or the root is too large, leaving an insufficient amount of bone after tooth removal.
Implant loading
Two factors must be considered before you are deemed a candidate for immediate implant placement after extraction.
Infection: The extraction site should be free of inflammation, gum disease, or other infection. If any of these conditions are present, they will need to be treated before implant can be placed.
Bone density: Dental implants cannot be placed unless a sufficient amount of bone is present to support them. If bone deterioration has occurred, or if the implant cannot be placed and stabilized, you will need to undergo a period of healing and may be even bone grafting procedure before getting dental implants.
Immediate implant placement: reduces the amount of time you’ll have to spend in the dental chair, and it allows a quicker treatment period. Often, a tooth can be removed, the implant placed, and a temporary crown can be placed in the same day.
Traditionally, dental implant treatment has been performed in two steps. The first involves carefully installing the implant, which is then left for three to six months to heal and integrate with the jawbone. During the healing period, the patient is provided with a temporary prosthesis until the permanent crown(s) can be attached to the implant(s).
Immediate Implant loading
Today, there is an alternative to the two-step method that allows you to have the implant installed in single session. This new method has significantly simplified the procedures, making the experience more pleasant and less complicated for patients. You can have your implants and crowns placed onto the implant within a day. The result of this treatment protocol is instant aesthetics and function. At Dr. Hung & Associates Dental Center, we apply immediate implant placement for front teeth to ensure the aesthetics for our patients.
Whether or not you are a suitable candidate for immediate loading depends on several factors, such as your general dental health, the number of missing teeth and which teeth are being replaced. These factors will also determine the total number of visits to the dentist throughout the treatment period. Immediate loading can apply to a single missing tooth as well as patients with no teeth wearing full dentures.
Immediate Implant loading
At Dr. Hung & Associates Dental Center, you will be satisfied with 5-Star International Dental service standards: professional team, advanced equipment, highest quality warranty policy, relaxing space and the “Attentive – Gentle – Careful” service which will give you the perfect treatment result.