1800 823 058 (AUS)

+84 922253888
We are located in a modern building at the center of Ho Chi Minh City, with 4000 square meters, 22 dental chairs, 5 surgery rooms, and an inhouse dental lab. Putting our customers’ best interest at heart, we always invest in the latest technology and apply the latest technique, to bring our customers the safest, quickest and best treatment result.
Ground floor includes luxurious lobby, pharmacy, emergency room and IMAGING DIAGNOSIS department with 3 x-ray machine:
CT CONE – BEAM 3D i-CAT: We are the first dental clinic in Vietnam equipped with a CT Cone-Beam 3D i-CAT made in USA and separate operation areas specialized for implant placement and oral surgeries. Remarkably fast and accurate: Rapid 8.9 second scan time, full 3-D Reconstruction time < 20sec, which provides our doctors with exact image to determine the important details of anatomic area for Implant placement, oral surgery, complicated root canal… Base on the data from CT Cone-beam and the use of NOBEL CLINICIAN software for surgical guidance, we can perform virtual surgery on the computer in 3D spaces, select the best location and exact implant size, to determine optimal treatment plan for patients.
ORTHOPHOS XG Dental Digital Panoramic/Cephalometric X-rays reduce the radiation dose for patients and provide several x-ray image options for every diagnostic task, especially in maxillofacial surgery and orthodontics.
Chest x-ray is used to evaluate the lungs, heart and chest wall to ensure patients are fit for surgery (under sedation or general anesthesia).
Our pharmacy follows GPP (good pharmacy practice) by Ministry of Health.
Mezzanine floor includes our PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY department with a playground to help children feel more relaxed before seeing the doctors. We also have a studio to help capture our patients’ beautiful smiles.
On the first floor is our GENERAL DENTISTRY & ORTHODONTICS department, with 9 Sirona C4+ modern dental chairs system made in Germany, each with computer connected to x-ray machine so both patient and doctor can review the x-ray from the comfort of the dental chairs. We have the Itero intraoral scanner, which provide 3D digital impressions, crisp intraoral scanning and treatment simulation. Patients can see the result before beginning the treatment.
On the second floor is our DENTAL IMPLANT & ORAL SURGERY department as well as INFECTION CONTROL department. This floor has 3 surgery rooms with oxygen system, vacuum system and heart rate monitor to support the patient during the surgery. The operation room is sterilized by UV disinfection lights. Our network computer connect to xray and Nobel-clinician softwar to guide the surgeon during surgery. Our infection control department follows FDA standards to ensure all tools and equipment are properly sterilized after each use.
On the third floor is our HI-TECH DENTISTRY department. We use high-end model & technology Sirona Sinus dental chairs, imported directly from Germany. These dental chairs are beautiful in color, features and are larger than the normal dental chairs to provide patients with comfort during the treatment. On this floor is where we keep most of our hi-tech equipment: Trios 3Shape intraoral scanner to help take impression digitally; Face scanner to capture patient’s face and uses CT cone beam x-ray to help dentist perform a 3D smile design; Fotona laser machine to perform snoring treatment, any laser procedures and help with faster healing.
The 5th, 6th and 7th floors house our SKINCARE & COSMETIC SURGERY department.
The 5th floor is our luxurious overnight stay for our patients who received major surgery during the day. The floor has 10 rooms, each with its own bathroom, oxygen system, blood pressure monitor. Our doctor and nurse will be there to take care of you 24/7 after your surgery.
On the 6th floor is our SKINCARE department. You can enjoy a relaxing skincare treatment here after a day of exploring Ho Chi Minh city.
On the 7th floor is our operation rooms, approved by Ministry of Health. You can enjoy a relaxing skincare treatment here after a day of exploring Ho Chi Minh city. Our operation rooms are equipped with central oxygen system, positive pressure, HEPA filtration system and in-room monitored anesthesia care. During and after surgery, our anesthesiologist and nurse anesthetist will be there to ensure you are safe and comfortable.
On our 10th floor is BLOOD TEST department. Before each surgery, from tooth extraction, implant, to more major surgery, we always perform blood tests to thoroughly check on the patient’s health and ensure patient is fit for surgery.
On our 11th floor is DENTAL LABORATORY. We have our own Lab in-house with the most advanced CAD/CAM techniques to ensure the high quality of each crown/ veneer/bridge made and also save time for our patients.