1800 823 058 (AUS)

+84 922253888
At Dr. Hung & Associates Dental Center, we only use high quality dental materials imported directly from the US and Europe.
Best implant systems – lifetime warranty at our Dental Center: NOBEL BIOCARE, STRAUMANN & BIOHORIZONS IMPLANT SYSTEMS.
NOBEL BIOCARE IMPLANT (https://www.nobelbiocare.com/)
dental material 1Nobel Replace “CC”
NobelReplace Conical Connection merges the original tapered implant body with a tight sealed conical connection. The implant body mimics the shape of a natural tooth root, ensuring high initial stability for all loading protocols, including Immediate Function.
dental material 2Nobel Active
The implant body and thread design condense bone during insertion, leading to high primary stability even in compromised bone situations. This makes it ideal for immediate implant placement. What’s more, reverse cutting flutes with drilling blades on the apex enable you to adjust the implant position for optimal restorative orientation.
STRAUMANN IMPLANT (http://www.straumann.com/)
dental material 3Straumann SLA
Straumann bone level implant: placed at the bone level, suitable for incisors, with healing through trans- or sub-gingival healing. Straumann tissue level implant: has a built-in smooth collar that reaches into the soft tissue and shapes it, thus eliminating the need for gingiva formers and time-consuming soft tissue management procedures.
dental material 4Straumann Slactive
The SLactive is designed for :
– Faster osseointegration.
– Reduced healing times from 6-8 weeks to 3-4 weeks.
– Higher treatment predictability.
BioHorizon/Made in USA (http://www.biohorizons.com/)
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Use Laser-Lok technology to create a biologic seal and maintain crestal bone on the implant collar. Buttress thread engineered for superior stability over microthreaded implants Conical internal hex connection is colorcoded for quick indentification and component matching.
Good implant systems from US, EU – 10 years warranty at our Dental Center: TEKKA/FRANCE, MIS/GERMANY, DENTIUM/US
TEKKA/Made in France (http://www.globald.com/)
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SA (sanding blasting + dual acid etching) surface technology offers stable osseo-integration. With the advantage of Safe, cost-saving and high effectiveness, Tekke implant system, have been widely used.
MIS/Made in Germany (http://www.mis-implants.com/)
dental material 7MIS proudly presents a new innovative screw type implant, incorporating a conical connection with an anti-rotation cone index and a unique (Dual Stability Mechanism – DSM). With its conical root-shaped geometry and self-tapping properties, MIS implant system features MIS’ reliable surface, platform switching by design and a platform based color coding.
DENTIUM/Made in USA (http://www.globald.com/)
dental material 8Dentium Implants are manufactured from pure titanium and textured with S.L.A. (sandblasted, large grit, and acid-etched) surface treatment. Implant fixtures with various diameters share the same internal hex, and one abutment screw fits all abutments and fixtures. Dentium Implants are suitable for cases with low bone material. All Dentium implants are created for easy use and therefore are cost-effective.
Non-Metal Implant System
dental material 9Zirconia implant is a metal-free type of implant, which is more biocompatible for soft tissue and jaw bone. There are no known allergic reactions to zirconia. The lack of free electrons also means that zirconia is galvanically and electrically neutral. Zirconium is also a very poor conductor of temperature which will not transmit heat or cold from the mouth to the surrounding bone.
dental material 10Nano Emax (Ivoclar Vivadent) offer the fit, form and function which is expected from pressed ceramics. In addition, they offer improved flexural strength (400 MPa). With optimized esthetic properties creating all-ceramic restorations that offer true-to-nature results, Nano Emax is usually used for front teeth
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Non-metal Lava – Ultimate porcelain crown (3M ESPE) is a type of Nano Ceramic resin from the US using the Nano Technology and suitable thermal procedure producing a special compound which is not only as natural as real teeth (therefore can be used for front teeth) but also very hard.
dental material 12Non-metal Full Zirconia porcelain crown (Ivoclar Vivadent) is a type of porcelain crown made only from Zirconia material – a very hard type of non-metal (compressive strength: 1200 MPA). However, as zirconia does not have the natural teeth look, it is usually used for back teeth (especially for crowns on implants) to achieve the best chewing ability. Full Zirconia crown/veneer requires 2 days to be completed.
dental material 32Crystal Ultra Porcelain Crown: suitable for crowns on implants, 3-unit bridges,… At 480 MPa, Crystal Ultra’s compressive strength is the strongest of all of the esthetic all ceramics and ceramic hybrids on the market. Crystal Ultra porcelain crown can be completed within 1 day. Crystal Ultra is registered with the Food And Drugs Administration (FDA).
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Precious metal crowns (Gold, Platin, Paalladium,…) are crowns with frames made of highly valuable metals such as gold, platin, palladium,… covered with many layers porcelain for good biological impact, hardness and aesthetic factors. The only disadvantage of this solution is its high cost.
dental material 15Zoom 2: Zoom is a bleaching process widely used around the world to lighten discoloration of enamel and dentin. Tooth discoloration may result from drinking coffee, tea, cola and red wine; or from smoking. The aging process also can stain and darken your teeth.
dental material 16Beyond: We use a special teeth whitening procedure include teeth cleaning, polishing and then laser teeth whitening to remove all stained and dark spots on your teeth. You will get a bright smile after 2 hours.
At Dr. Hung & Associates Dental Center, materials used for metal and ceramic braces are imported from American Orthodontics/Made in USA (http://www.americanortho.com/) and Forestadent/Made in Germany (http://www.forestadent.com/).
Invisalign trays are imported directly from the USA (http://www.invisalign.com/), using SmartTrack technology and qualified by FDA.
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Materials used in dental fillings include gold, porcelain and composite.
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Gold fillings (Gold inlay/onlay) is the most expensive type of material and could last up to 20 years
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Porcelain materials used in fillings are from Ivoclar Vivadent (made in Liechtenstein)
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Composite materials are from Kerr and 3M ESPE (made in USA)