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Wisdom teeth are the third molars at the end of the jaw and are the last teeth to erupt. Most people have 4 wisdom teeth in the 4 corners of the jaw. Wisdom teeth usually begin to erupt from the gums between the ages of 18-25. At this time, 28 permanent teeth have fully settled, resulting in not enough space for the wisdom teeth.
In most cases, wisdom teeth become impacted because they don’t have enough room to come in or develop in the usual way. They can cause pressure by pushing the anterior teeth into crowding. In some cases, wisdom teeth may not cause immediate symptoms but are difficult to clean, causing accumulation of food and bacteria that cause tooth decay, periodontitis, bad breath, etc. Food accumulation makes the wisdom teeth and the adjacent teeth susceptible to decay. Wisdom teeth can also cause problems with crowding of the other teeth and therefore require orthodontic treatment to straighten other teeth.
Wisdom tooth extraction can be performed with local anesthesia, or in combination with sedation, or general anesthesia in complex cases. The wisdom tooth extraction process becomes even more smooth and quick at Worldwide Hospital thanks to the application of modern equipment and technology:
Worldwide Hospital we are one of the few dental centers in Vietnam that can proudly perform painless wisdom teeth extraction under the support of sedation or general anesthesia. All 4 wisdom teeth can be removed in one procedure. There will be an anesthesiologist who will administer pain relievers and tranquilizers to make you completely comfortable during the extraction process.
Step 1: Diagnosis and treatment planning: Examination, CBCT xray, blood test (to ensure patient is fit for surgery)
Step 2: Anesthesia performed by our Anesthesiology doctor and nurse
Step 3: Exposing wisdom tooth, tooth segmentation and removal using Piezotome machine
Step 4: Stitches to ensure proper healing. The stiches will be removed after 1 week, or either can be left in place if resorbable stiches are used.
In order to reduce the pain after the extraction procedure, the doctor will prescribe specific pain killers and anti-inflammation medications, as well as giving you a detailed post-op instruction. In case of sedation, you can go home after a few hours of recovery.