To understand root canal treatment, you need to understand the tooth anatomy. Inside your tooth, beneath the white enamel and a hard layer called dentin, is a soft tissue called pulp. This tissue contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. When a tooth undergoes a root canal, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled and sealed. A fully developed tooth can survive without the pulp because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it.


Indications that you might need root canal treatment: chipped/cracked tooth, deep cavity, discolored tooth, persistent pain, persistent sensitivity to hot and cold, swollen/infected gum. In some cases, you may need the root canal treatment for prosthodontic procedure if the tooth is too crooked or damaged.


Root canal treatment includes the following steps:

  • Doctor (endodontist) examines the infected tooth and take xray to determine the condition of the tooth (inflamed vs. infected pulp). Doctor then administers local anesthesia to numb the tooth so that you won’t feel anything during the procedure.
  • Creates a small opening in the crown of the tooth. Use the endodontic file to shape the chamber of the tooth and root and might irrigate the chamber with salt water and antimicrobial solution to clean the infected pulp.
  • After space is cleaned and shaped, the endodontist fills the root canals with a biocompatible material, usually a rubber-like material called gutta-percha.
  • The gutta-percha is placed with an adhesive cement to ensure complete sealing of the root canals. In most cases, a temporary filling is placed to close the opening. The temporary filling will be removed before the tooth is restored.
  • Doctor will tell you the approximate time to wait before coming back for the final restoration. After doctor ensures that your pulp has been properly treated, your tooth will be protected by new permanent filling or by a crown.
  • If the tooth lacks sufficient structure to hold the restoration in place, your dentist or endodontist may place a post inside the tooth.


At Worldwide Hospital, we are equipped with the latest equipment to make the treatment accurate, painless and completely comfortable during the treatment.

We have a 3D Cone-beam CT Scan that helps doctors determine the location and number of canals accurately and quickly, helping the treatment process safe, accurate and faster.

In addition, we have a Single-use Reciproc file system that helps doctor prepare canals very quickly compared to traditional manual treatment.

Especially in the case of teeth with difficult or severe infections, we have the Fotona Light Walker Laser system to help solve these cases optimally.

For patients who are afraid of pain or worried about dental treatment, we have anesthesiologists who perform a sedation or general anesthesia to help the process of root canal treatment pain-free, smoothly and safely.


Root canal treatment is a dental technique that many customers are interested in. The following content of the article will answer all of the questions thoroughly.


Root canal treatment for front teeth is a big deal for many people. If the front tooth gets infected, a root canal treatment is crucial in order to avoid potential complications.


Step 1. Take X-rays and examine the condition

Taking X-rays and examining the disease condition is the first step of every root canal treatment procedure. Through this step, the doctor will determine the level of infection in the pulp, and from there plan appropriate treatment.

Step 2. Clean the oral cavity – Anaesthesia and isolation

Before anesthesia, the patient’s oral cavity will be carefully cleaned to remove bacteria and infectious agents.

Step 3. Place the rubber dam

Placing a rubber dam is a necessary step in a root canal treatment process. The rubber dam helps prevent treatment chemicals from entering the digestive tract.

Step 4. Perform root canal treatment

After completing the above steps, the doctor will perform root canal treatment by opening a path from the tooth surface to the root canal, then slowly sucking out the dead pulp.
After removing the dead pulp, the doctor will clean the root canal then fill the pulp chamber with specialized materials.

Is root canal treatment possible for pregnant women?

Whether or not dental root canal treatment is possible for pregnant women is a concern of many customers when learning about this issue.

Is root canal treatment possible for pregnant women?

In fact, during pregnancy, hormonal changes make pregnant women susceptible to swollen gums, thereby increasing the risk of dental diseases more than usual.

In addition, tooth enamel deterioration, calcium deficiency and increased diet also cause plaque to form faster, leading to tooth decay and some oral diseases.
When suffering from pulpitis, early treatment is necessary to avoid widespread infection, help preserve teeth and limit pain.

However, for pregnant women, root canal treatment needs to be considered carefully since it depends a lot on her health as well as her stage of pregnancy.

Normally, root canal treatment for pregnant women can be performed in the second trimester of pregnancy, because this is the period when the fetus has stabilized and adapted to the mother’s body.

It’s absolutely not recommended to have root canal treated during the first or the last 3 months of pregnancy because at this time, the pregnant mother’s body is quite sensitive. During the last 3 months of pregnancy, the pregnant mother needs to rest a lot, since her body is heavy, and that can affect the effectiveness of the root canal treatment process.

Root canal treatment of tooth number 6 – Root canal treatment of tooth number 7

Root canal treatment of tooth number 6 and tooth number 7 is also a topic that many customers are interested in.

On the jaw, teeth number 6 and number perform the main chewing function. In addition, since these teeth grow in a hidden position in the back of the jaw, they are often difficult to clean, which creates an environment for bacteria thrive, causing damage to dentin & cavities form over time.

Tooth decay in teeth number 6 and 7, if not treated early, will lead to tooth pulp damage. This is the reason we often have to get root canal treatment on tooth number 6 and 7.

Should my baby have root canal treatment?

For children, pulpitis causes persistent pain and greatly affects eating and daily activities.

Prolonged pulpitis will lead to many dangerous health complications. It’s even life-threatening, since bacteria in the pulp can move into the digestive system, causing harm to the body’s internal organs. Therefore, experts always recommend that parents receive early treatment for pulpitis for their children.

How long does root canal treatment take?

Root canal treatment usually takes 2 – 4 days for molars, where there are many root canals. However, it might take longer if the patient has some other oral diseases.

For front teeth, root canal treatment time will be faster, usually 20 – 30 minutes for the complete process.

Root canal treatment at Worldwide Dental and Plastic Surgery Hospital

Is root canal treatment painful?

Before performing a root canal treatment, the doctor will conduct anesthesia on the affected area, so during the procedure, the patient feels absolutely no sensation. Therefore, the unbearably numbing pain is completely blocked.


How much does root canal treatment cost is an issue that many customers are interested in. Patient will find pricing information for root canal treatment at Worldwide Hospital as below:

Root canal treatment for teeth number 1, 2, 3:

1,200,000 – 2,000,000/tooth

Root canal treatment for teeth number 4, 5: 

2,000,000 – 2,500,000 VND/tooth

Root canal treatment for teeth number 6, 7, 8:

2,500,000 – 3,000,000 VND/tooth

Root canal treatment with ultrasonic waves: 

3,000,000 – 5,000,000 VND/tooth

Root canal treatment is a necessary method for infected teeth. To learn more about this method, customers can contact Worldwide Dental and Plastic Surgery Hospital directly for advice.